You'll need:
1) Several hittable girlies -- a minimum 3:2 ratio of girls to posse.
2) Bacardi. Go on and fill the pool with it.
3) Several lengths of satin, silk, rayon or dacron, depending upon budget (one per girl.)
How to play:
Each posse members taps an ass, then the tapees guess who is the *culprit* based on their own opinion of what it would be like to get hit by so-and-so.
Anyone who guesses correctly, gets hit again.
1) Several hittable girlies -- a minimum 3:2 ratio of girls to posse.
2) Bacardi. Go on and fill the pool with it.
3) Several lengths of satin, silk, rayon or dacron, depending upon budget (one per girl.)
How to play:
Each posse members taps an ass, then the tapees guess who is the *culprit* based on their own opinion of what it would be like to get hit by so-and-so.
Anyone who guesses correctly, gets hit again.